An Open Preview at Scotland’s Muirfield

Scotland’s Golf Coast includes fabulous links North Berwick, Dunbar, Gullane and, of course, Muirfield, the site of this summer’s Open Championship. In fact, there are so many outstanding local courses our editor is willing to forego — just this once — a visit to St. Andrews.

Happy Trails on Vancouver Island

Wending through some of British Columbia’s most stunningly beautiful landscapes, the Vancouver Island Golf Trail offers 11 top courses and a six-night, six-round deal that’s hard to resist.

Why Clear Lake Smells Like French Fries

Once ranked alongside the razing of rain forests as an ecologically hostile activity, golf has embraced the green movement with the zeal of the converted. In the third in a series profiling Canada’s greenest courses, Manitoba’s Clear Lake Golf Course demonstrates how the irresistible smell of French fries can benefit the local environment.

Tea Time on Vancouver Island

Great golf and a spot of afternoon tea at Victoria’s stately Fairmont Empress Hotel make the perfect island blend.

Sam Torrance’s Hidden Scottish Gems

Scotland’s former Ryder Cup captain picks four outstanding but unjustly overlooked courses for you to discover during your next visit to the birthplace of golf.