My Favourite Après Golf Experiences…So Far

From sipping champagne at the Old Course Hotel to a beachfront massage at Jamaica’s Half Moon, a look back at a few of my favourite adventures off the golf course.

True Patriot Love in Canada’s Rockies

  (Last updated November 2023.) A friend recently asked me an intriguing question: If I had ample funds to settle anywhere, where in the world would I choose to live? Canada, I answered without a moment’s hesitation. Ours is a rich and spectacularly beautiful country which, not least of all, is ripe with wonderful golf courses. Admittedly, […]

Pamper Yourself at Whistler’s Scandinave Spa

  Though thrilling, mountain golf can take its toll. After 18 holes at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf Club—playing our way up the slope of a mountain and through a challenging terrain of chasms, granite outcroppings, rushing creeks, and towering Douglas firs—I have to admit that my game was a little bruised and my body […]