Canadian entrepreneur Glen Chamandy has teamed with veteran golf architect Ron Kirby in a massive remodelling of Apes Hill Club in Barbados.
Barbados Aims High in Caribbean Golf
January 1, 2013 by Brian Kendall

Once reliant on a traditional sun, sand and sea tourism strategy, Barbados signaled its arrival as a major player in Caribbean golf with the 2009 launch of Apes Hill Club.
Filed Under: Barbados, Caribbean, Destinations, Feature Stories, Golf Courses Tagged With: Apes Hill Club Barbados, Barbados golf, Barbados Golf Club, Caribbean Golf, Country Club Course Sandy Lane, Green Monkey, Jeff Potts and Chris Cole, Landmark Land company, Old Nine Course Sandy Lane, Robert Trent Jones Jr., Rockley Golf Club, Royal Westmoreland Golf and Country Club, Sandy Lane, Tom Fazio