Golf With the Stars in a Celebrity Pro-Am

Pro-ams offer amateurs the thrill of teeing it up — and sometimes partying till dawn — with sports legends and movie stars. There may even be a round with golf’s clown prince Bill Murray in your future.

Casa de Campo is a Caribbean Superstar

Long the Caribbean’s marquee golf resort, Casa de Campo owes its success to three stunning Pete Dye-designed courses, a high-society clientele—and the siren’s call of bikini-clad supermodel Elle Macpherson.

Tee Off in the Jamaica Open at Half Moon

A favourite stop of royalty and high society, Montego Bay’s posh Half Moon, A Rock Resort, hosts both amateurs and pros in a prestigious and fun annual championship dating from 1953.

Are Shorter Courses Golf’s Future?

Anthony Mocklow, the director of golf at Bermuda’s Fairmont Southampton, is convinced that the popularity of the resort’s gorgeous, palm tree-lined par-three course is a harbinger of a faster, cheaper and more fun future for the game.

Gary Player’s Secrets of Healthy Golf Travel

Golf legend Gary Player estimates he has flown an astonishing 15 million air miles during a career that has seen him win 165 tournaments (including nine major championships) around the world. His recipe for healthy travel? Rigorous exercise, proper nutrition, and sticking to a familiar routine.