At Cape Breton’s acclaimed Highlands Links, Brian Kendall relives the classic Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf showdown between Canadian legends George Knudson and Al Balding.
Tee Off With Knudson at Highlands Links
Scotland’s Carrick Waves Flag For Canada
Toronto architect Doug Carrick’s brilliant heathland-style layout on the bonnie banks of the famous Loch Lomond is the only Canadian-designed course in Scotland.
Why Clear Lake Smells Like French Fries
Once ranked alongside the razing of rain forests as an ecologically hostile activity, golf has embraced the green movement with the zeal of the converted. In the third in a series profiling Canada’s greenest courses, Manitoba’s Clear Lake Golf Course demonstrates how the irresistible smell of French fries can benefit the local environment.
Nine Unsung But Essential Canadian Courses
From the forests of Newfoundland to the mountain valleys of British Columbia, a spring survey of unjustly overlooked golf courses offering bargain green fees, less crowded fairways and jaw-dropping scenery.
Inside the Magic of Canada’s Best Par Threes
Through a magical mix of spectacular geography and artful design, Canada’s signature par threes often reflect not just the character of golf at a particular course, but of an entire region of the country.