Swing Into Sunshine in Evergreen San Diego

Sunshine and balmy temperatures greet travellers year-round in lovely San Diego. But for Canadian golfers, a springtime visit to Southern California’s snow-free fairways is a revelation—and a renewal of hope.

From Everest to the PGA Tour: Sunice Conquers the World

How Montreal-based Sunice grew from a humble prairie start-up into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of stylish golf and skiwear.

Life is Luxe at Hawaii’s Top Golf Resorts

Hawaii’s hibiscus-scented jungles and oceanfront cliff-tops are home to some of the world’s most luxurious golf resorts. A timely survey of five paradise retreats guaranteed to put the swing back into winter-weary golfers.

Golf Shot Visualization: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Jack Nicklaus never makes a golf shot without first having a perfect mental image of it imprinted on his brain. Here’s how to visualize your way to the best scores of your life in 2015.

Doug Carrick and the Birth of Cliffhanger

Of all Canada’s signature holes perhaps only the legendary Devil’s Cauldron enjoys greater fame than Greywolf Golf Course’s par-three Cliffhanger. Architect Doug Carrick recalls the genesis of his mountain masterwork.